- Arts and Music Grant
- Board Approved Policies
- Charter School Complaint Form
- Current Charter Petition 2025-2030
- Charter Renewal 2025-2030 Exhibits
- EPA (Education Protection Account)
- ELO-G Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- ELO-P Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- Fiscal Policies
- LCAP & BOP (Local Control and Accountability Plan & Budget Overview for Parents)
- LCP (Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan)
- Parent Family Engagement Policy (English)
- Parent Family Engagement Policy (Spanish)
- Prop 28
- Salary Schedule (Certificated)
- Schoolwide Action Plan (WASC)
- SARC (School Accountability Report Card)
- SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement)
- Title IX Policy
- Uniform Complaint Procedures